目前分類:YA Fiction (17)

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Author: O. Henry

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Author: D. H. Lawrence 

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Author: Joyce Carol Oates       

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  • Jun 24 Wed 2009 01:00
  • Araby

Author: Joyce James

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Young-adult fiction (often abbreviated as YAdult fiction, or simply YA) is fiction written for, published for, or marketed to adolescents, roughly between the ages of 12 and 18.
Fiction: From the Latin figure to created, fictum created, is anything imaginatively invented, a feigned existence, event, or state of things. In a second more concrete and basically 20th-century meaning fiction has become the general term uniting all the literary genres that developed with the modern novel. The reference is made here in a tripartite spectrum of genres with drama and poetry as the two essential alternatives.

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